BBC BASIC Colour Cycling

7 Mar, 2020 - 11 minutes
Colour Cycling In the last post we looked at some simple graphics commands on the BBC Micro. Typically using the graphics commands on a BBC Micro running at actual speed would be too slow to allow complex animations to run fast enough. In this post we will examine how to use colour cycling to provide cheap animation. We looked at how the command VDU 19 can be used to change the palette of colours.

Fun with BBC Micro Bot

7 Mar, 2020 - 13 minutes
Posts Fun with BBC Micro Bot BBC BASIC Colour Cycling BBC BASIC Code Golfing Tips Colour Cycling Effects with Lines Colour Cycling Effects with Grids BBC Boing Ball BBC Micro Reference @bbcmicrobot I’ve been having a lot of nostalgic fun with @bbcmicrobot lately. BBC Micro Bot is a Twitter bot written by @DominicPajak. The official page is here: If a tweet sent to the bot starts with a line number, it will run the tweet in the cloud as if it was a program typed into an 8 bit BBC Micro.