BBC Micro Reference

This is some BBC BASIC information I’m putting in one place so I can find it easily. Let me know if you would like me to add any other information here.


BBC Micro Bot Editor

PLOT Quick Reference

Foreground colour PLOT commands.

(Generally absolute co-ordinates except for circle which is relative co-ordinates so we can specify the radius)

PLOT Code Result
PLOT 5 DRAW line
PLOT 69 Plot Single Pixel
PLOT 85 Filled Triangle
PLOT 101 Filled Rectangle (Graphics Extension ROM only)
PLOT 145 Circle Outline (Graphics Extension ROM only)
PLOT 153 Filled Circle (Graphics Extension ROM only)
PLOT 197 Ellipse Outline (Graphics Extension ROM only)
PLOT 205 Filled Fllipse (Graphics Extension ROM only)

Physical Colour Values

Physical Colour Value Colour
0 black
1 red
2 green
3 yellow
4 blue
5 magenta
6 cyan
7 white
8 flashing black-white
9 flashing red-cyan
10 flashing green-magenta
11 flashing yellow-blue
12 flashing blue-yellow
13 flashing magenta-green
14 flashing cyan-red
15 flashing white-black


Set Palette

VDU 19,logical,physical,0,0,0

Wait for VSYNC

*FX 19

Hide Flashing Cursor

In graphics mode:

VDU 23;8202;0;0;0;

or sometimes just


In Teletext mode (MODE 7)

VDU 23,1,0;0;0;0;

Define UDG Character

VDU 23,character,row0,row1,row2,row3,row4,row5,row6,row7


VDU 23,230,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128

Graphics Modes

Mode Graphics Resolution Display Text
0 640x256 2 colour display 80x32 text
1 320x256 4 colour display 40x32 text
2 160x256 16 colour display 20x32 text
3 2 colour text only 80x25 text
4 320x256 2 colour display 40x32 text
5 160x256 4 colour display 20x32 text
6 2 colour text only 40x25 text
7 Teletext display 40x25 text

GCOL Modes

Value Behaviour Description
0 Plot Overwrites the existing screen colour with the new one
1 Or Performs a bitwise OR of the screen pixel’s logical colour and the new colour
2 And Performs a bitwise AND of the screen pixel’s logical colour and the new colour
3 Xor Performs a bitwise XOR of the screen pixel’s logical colour and the new colour
4 Inverse Inverts the colour of any pixels drawn

Standard Plot Commands

Value Meaning
0 move relative to last point
1 draw line relative in the current graphics foreground colour
2 draw line relative in the logical inverse colour
3 draw line relative in current graphics background colour
4 move to absolute position
5 draw line absolute in the current graphics foreground colour
6 draw line absolute in logical inverse colour
7 draw line absolute in current graphics background colour

Higher values of K have other effects which are related to the effects given by the values 0 to 7

Value Meaning
8-15 as 0-7 but with the last point in the line omitted in inverting actions’ - eg using G C0L4
16-23 as 0-7 but with a dotted line
24-31 as 0-7 but with a dotted line and without the last point on the line
32-63 are reserved for the Graphics Extension ROM
64-71 as 0-7 but only a single point is plotted 72-79 reserved
80-87 as 0-7 but plot and fill a triangle. When filling solid triangles with colour the computer fills the triangle between the coordinates given and the last TWO points visited.

Graphics Extension ROM

Graphics Extension ROM - Drawing Commands

Geometry PLOT codes
Rectangle Fills &60 - &67 (96 - 103)
Parallelograms &70 - &77 (112 - 119)
Filled Circles &98 - &9F (152 - 159)
Circle Outlines &90 - &97 (144 - 151)
Ellipse Outlines &C0 - &C7 (192 - 199)
Ellipse Fills &C8 - &CF (200 - 207)
Arcs &A0 - &A7 (160 - 167)
Sectors &B0 - &B7 (176 - 183)
Segments &A8 - &AF (168 - 175)

Graphics Extension ROM - Pattern Fills

There are four default patterns set up for you which depend on the mode you are in:

MODE 0 and MODE 4
GCOL 16,0 3 parts black 1 part white (cross hatch)
GCOL 32,0 1 part black 1 part white (cross hatch)
GCOL 48,0 1 part black 3 parts white (cross hatch)
GCOL 64,0 1 part black 1 part white (diagonal stripes)
MODE 1 and MODE 5
GCOL 16,0 3 parts red 1 part yellow (cross hatch)
GCOL 32,0 1 part red 1 part yellow (cross hatch)
GCOL 48,0 1 part red 3 parts yellow (cross hatch)
GCOL 64,0 1 part white 1 part yellow (cross hatch)
GCOL 16,0 1 part red 1 part yellow (cross hatch)
GCOL 32,0 1 part red 1 part magenta (cross hatch)
GCOL 48,0 1 part yellow 1 part green (cross hatch)
GCOL 64,0 1 part yellow 1 part white (cross hatch)

The second parameter which has been set to 0, has no effect on the pattern produced. It is used instead to determine whether it is the foreground or background colour which is being set. Values 0-127 apply to the foreground colour and 128-255 to the background.

Graphics Extension ROM - Move Screen Area Plot Codes

Decimal Hex Description
184 B8 Move only, relative
185 B9 Move rectangle relative
186 BA Copy rectangle relative
187 BB Copy rectangle relative
188 BC Move only, absolute
189 BD Move rectangle absolute
190 BE Copy rectangle absolute
191 BF Copy rectangle absolute

VDU Code Summary

Decimal Hex Parameter Byte Count Description
0 0 0 does nothing
1 1 1 send next character to printer only
2 2 0 enable printer
3 3 0 disable printer
4 4 0 write text at text cursor
5 5 0 write text at graphics cursor
6 6 0 enable VDU drivers
7 7 0 make a short beep
8 8 0 backspace cursor one character
9 9 0 forwardspace cursor one character
10 A 0 move cursor down one line
11 B 0 move cursor up one line
12 C 0 clear text area
13 D 0 move cursor to start of current line
14 E 0 page mode on
15 F 0 page mode off
16 10 0 clear graphics area
17 11 1 define text colour
18 12 2 define graphics colour
19 13 5 define logical colour
20 14 0 restore default logical colours
21 15 0 disable VDU drivers or delete current line
22 16 1 select screen mode
23 17 9 re-program display character
24 18 8 define graphics window
25 19 5 PLOT K,x,y
26 1A 0 restore default windows
27 1B 0 does nothing
28 1C 4 define text window
29 1D 4 define graphics origin
30 1E 0 home text cursor to top left
31 1F 2 move text cursor to x,y
127 7F 0 Backspace and delete


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